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Multi-scale Joining and Interconnection technology Group (2015-2021)


After 5years since 2015, the Group is not anymore in Portland State University. Thank you for all your interest and support. 

The Multi-Scale Joining and Interconnection Technology Group research interest lies in the understanding the linkage between the microstructure and the interface stability of interconnects, whether it is a micro-joint, a bulk to bulk welding or between Additive manufactured layers. The ultimate goal is to identify the base mechanisms that can describe the performance of interconnection in the context of the material performance, product component and device operation. To achieve that, interests are focused on how physical mechanisms are related to the microstructure of interconnects and interfaces. The research area can be categorized in two large sections: (1) The construction of a stable interface and studying the interactions in multi-layer stack-up in High deposition rate wire based metal Additive manufacturing (AM) using Cold metal Transfer (CMT) and (2) Interface stability in Micro-joining and interconnect technology and the impact on device reliability, all based on microstructure analysis as a solid foundation. 

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